The Climate Conscious Podcast
The Climate Conscious Podcast amplifies the Caribbean perspective on climate change and sustainable development. Hosted by Derval Barzey, we feature insightful conversations with guests as we advocate for inclusive, resilient, sustainable development through dialogue. We're creating awareness, capturing learnings, and telling our stories of resilience with authenticity. Tune in wherever you listen to podcasts.
Podcasting since 2020 • 93 episodes
The Climate Conscious Podcast
Latest Episodes
Plasticompact | Christian Wassermann | Demystify Series
In this episode of The Climate Conscious Podcast's Demystify Series, Christian Wassermann, the founder of Plastic Compact, explains an innovative approach to addressing plastic pollution.Christian shares the vision behin...
Season 9
Episode 82
Global Peace | Jesse Ramcharan | Demystify Series
Derval and Jesse Ramcharan discuss the importance of SDG 16 Peace, Justice, and strong institutions. Jesse explains that strong institutions are crucial for creating inclusive, just, and sustainable societies, and they directly support the achi...
Season 9
Episode 81
Carbon Capture | Marsha King | Demystify Series
Demystifying Carbon CaptureThe first episode of the Demystify series explores various aspects of carbon capture, including its role in addressing global decarbonisation challenges, environmental justice concerns, and the importance of c...
Season 9
Episode 80
Defending the Ocean: Civil Action against Deep Sea Mining | Dahvia Hylton
Activist & Educator, Dahvia Hylton is leading protest action in Jamaica against Deep Sea Mining (DSM). In this episode, she makes a strong case for why this activity should not be supported. She outlines the tangible and intangible value of...
Season 8
Episode 79