The Climate Conscious Podcast

Different Boats, Same Sea: Gender & Climate Advocacy in the Caribbean | CW4CJ 2023 Panel 1

Derval Barzey Season 6

Exploitative and extractive economic activities have persisted in the Caribbean since colonization. Emerging from its history of imperialism, enslavement and indentureship, the Caribbean continues to develop, driven by the innovation and resilience of its people. As Small Island Developing States, Caribbean countries continue to face several development challenges to their economic, environmental and social wellbeing. Specifically, the region is inherently vulnerable to the growing threats of the climate crisis. 

The destruction brought on by climate change intersects with the issues of gender inequality and injustice. The Caribbean is not a monolith, it is necessary to note the diversity in its people, histories, landscapes, and livelihoods which impact countries’ abilities to respond to natural hazards and climate risks. 

In the face of these challenges, Caribbean people continue to develop solutions  and hold their governments accountable. Whether it is challenging the oil and gas industry in Guyana, bauxite mining in Jamaica or deep sea mining in the Caribbean marine space, women and youth continue to be at the forefront of Caribbean climate change advocacy and activism. Caribbean women are instrumental in the fight for more just, sustainable and resilient approaches to development and the use of natural resources in the Caribbean. As people who are directly impacted, we are our best advocates. 


  • Explore a solutions based approach to the climate and gender advocacy in the Caribbean. 
  • Learn about the grassroots climate organizing in the region.
  • Explore intergenerational and intersectional collaboration on issues of climate and gender justice in the region. 


  • Malene Alleyne
  • Judith Wedderburn
  • Andriska Thorington
  • Sirito Yana Aloema
  • Emme Christie

Moderator: Alicia Wallace 

The Climate Conscious Podcast and The Breadfruit Collective hosted the second annual Caribbean Women for Climate Justice Conference from April 19- 23, 2022.  The conference was hosted with the support of Open Society Foundations and Caribbean Natural Resources Institute to facilitate dialogue on advancing gender and climate justice in the Caribbean and the establishment of a Collective Advocacy Agenda for the region. The 2023 edition of CW4CJ featured a keynote, panel discussions, two  workshops and a Solidarity Circle, in collaboration with Transform Education.

To view Conference recordings visit our YouTube page.