The Climate Conscious Podcast

028. Business Unusual: Carbon pricing with Green Intelligence Business Solutions

Derval Barzey / Semoy Francis, Daryll Griffith, Brendon James Season 3 Episode 28

Personal values and the desire for change and the objective of making an impact brought together three professionals from varied backgrounds in pursuit of sustainability. Semoy Francis, Daryll Griffith and Brendon James co-founded Green Intelligence Business Solutions Limited  to help bring about the much needed sustainability transition. Green Intelligence Business Solutions Limited is an advisory service helping businesses reengineer their business models to better manage sustainability risk.

One such sustainability risk is carbon pricing. The Climate Crisis has been attributed largely to the vast increase in GHG emissions from human activities. A key strategy for limiting global temperature increase is significantly reducing the world's carbon intensity across sectors. So can you imagine a world where there is a price on carbon?

The World Bank defines Carbon Pricing as "an instrument that captures the external costs of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions—the costs of emissions that the public pays for, such as damage to crops, health care costs from heat waves and droughts, and loss of property from flooding and sea level rise—and ties them to their sources through a price, usually in the form of a price on the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted."

With carbon pricing, the cost of the impact of greenhouse gas emissions is factored into the cost of producing the product or service. It is based on the polluter pay principle.

As the global community strives to meet climate ambitions, what will be the effect of this and other climate policies on economies, business models and consumers?

Connect with Green Intelligence Business Solutions Ltd HERE.

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